Fashion - An ever changing trend from ages and a highly growing industry
Fashion is a very common and renowned term among people. It ’ s a practice of dressing and adorning oneself in a particular trend or style. These trends kept on changing from the very earliest times and is an ongoing process. It comprises styles related to clothing, jewellery, accessories, footwear, makeup and many more such stuffs. This ever changing trends of fashion makes a particular style stand popular for about a year or two and then is substituted by yet another one. As human nature itself inherits changes, so it ’ s easy for them to adapt it on the go. There are people called trend setters who generally bring newest styles in the market and trend followers, who follows. Celebrities are popular for sparking trends. We come to know about the latest style from the newly released movies, television shows and print media. Still, fashion is not only defined by the look of the clothes one year, but is also conveyed through the manner it ’ s carried off. ...